Concussions can result from minor crashes with minimal property damage to the vehicle.  Many respected biomechanical studies have proven that there is little relationship between the amount of car damage and the amount of human injury.  Many other factors influence the amount of brain damage other than the amount of property damage to the car.

Several biomechanical studies have proven that most cars with withstand a 8-12 mile per hour crash with minimal damage, while humans start getting injured at 6.8 mph.

One of the most respected neuropsychologists states that the severity of brain injury is the result of force dynamics which are specific to each individual accident as well as the unique characteristics of the patient’s anatomy, physiology, and genetic endowment. He says,

Each patient’s response to injury also will be unique, particularly in terms of metabolic and vascular reactions. Thus, to patients, of similar age and sex, can be in the same accident (i.e., both seat-belted in the backseat of a vehicle that is hit dead-center, had on us) and come away with very different injuries and sequelae.

Individual factors predominate.  The amount of injury is dependent on many individual factors other than the amount of visible car damage.  Multiple studies have reported that a human being can suffer up to 15 times more damage if the head is turned at impact.

Whether the victim is aware of the impending crash is a huge factor. Several studies have study ranked the state of preparedness as the single most important factor affecting injury severity. A simple factor like whether the subject’s head was turned at the time of impact can be very critical.

Age is important-older people suffer greater injury.  Sex is a factor-females are more prone to injury.  Characteristics of the vehicle are also important.